Root Canal Therapy (RCT)

A Root Canal is a procedure used when the nerve of the tooth is damaged, or there is an infection going on. The process of a RCT consists of removing any infected areas of the tooth, as well as the nerve/pulp. Once debrided, the canals of the tooth are then filled with a medicated filler. The tooth will then be filled with build up composite material. Once your tooth feels better, you will then come back to have the tooth prepped for a Dental Crown. After that, you will have a fully functioning tooth for years and be back to a happy and healthy smile!

Why would you need a RCT?

There are many reasons you may need a RCT. Some of those being:

  • Issues with previous filling.

  • Broken/Cracked tooth from an injury.

  • Deep decay that is too advance to the nerve.

Symptoms caused by infected teeth

Some signs include:

  • Hot and cold sensitivity.

  • Persistent pain.

  • Swollen/tender gums in the area.

  • Many more.

Not always when having these symptoms does it mean that a RCT is needed. Coming in for an exam and letting the Dr. take a look at the tooth will then determine if one is required.

What To Expect When You Come In For An Exam If Experiencing Pain/Discomfort:

  • X-Ray. You should expect an X-Ray to be taken in order to get a better look at the tooth. This helps us diagnose an infection at the root of the tooth, or any deep decay.

  • Testing the tooth. The Dr. may perform a few tests on the tooth which could be apply some cold cotton on the tooth, measuring the gum pockets for fracture, applying pressure onto the tooth, and/or your bite.

  • At the end the Dr. will then discuss with you the next steps to get you out of pain/discomfort.


(360) 326-4740